The Coming Revolution in Writing and Reading

Production Notes on Chapter I

A New Relationship between People and Text

      Chapter I consists only of text panels with the text set in the linear typography (except for one sentence that is presented in the five mu formats). In this chapter a simple set of controls are made available to the viewer, as shown in the sketch above. One control is for advancing the movie to the next frame ("next" button). Another is for returning to the preceding frame ("previous" button). A third control is for telling the computer to present text images without speech sounds ("visual only" button). The fourth control is to request presentation of text as a-v-simultext (that is, the simultaneous presentation of printed text and the corresponding speech sounds). The a-v-simultext control lets the viewer choose from four rates of speech: 150 words per minute, 300 wpm, 450 wpm, and 600 wpm (the latter three as compressed speech – that is, as speech presented at faster rates but without changes in the tone or pitch of the speech).
      The fifth control provided to the viewer is the "go to script" button. This button is a door through which the viewer can go to any other point in the movie using visual scanning, electronic search tools, or the movie’s index or table of contents to get to the desired point. After reaching the desired point, the viewer can run the movie from that point using any of the controls or tools that are available to the user at that place in the movie.
      The form and structure of interactive movies will differ from conventional movies. Conventional movies usually present images and sounds in a series of scenes that are unreeled in a straightforward linear fashion to their viewers. Interactive movies, on the other hand, will consist of collections of micromovies that can be presented in any order and in any manner the viewer desires. A micromovie can be a single frame with words and/or a picture, a graphic, a drawing, or other image. Or it can be a sequence with animated characters or computer graphics. Or it can be a full-motion video sequence with sound. Or it can be any other combination of sights and/or sounds the producer wants to present. For a more extensive discussion of interactive movies see "How Tomorrow’s Movies Will Differ" at

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